
We are accepting guest registrations for the public facing sessions during the colloquium. Find out which sessions are open to the public and register for those sessions here:

Thursday, 16 November

All the Thursday sessions will be held at SG36, in the Senate House building on the SOAS Campus

Time ActivityNotes
9:00- 9:15Welcome and Introduction to the ColloquiumCristina Juan - Colloquium Co-chair
9:15- 10:00Welcome Address and Introduction to Digital Humanities Approaches at SOASGraeme Earl, Head of College of Humanities and the Arts at SOAS
10:00-11:00Keynote AddressProfessor Ramon Guillermo - Colloquium Co-chair and Director of UPD's Center for International Studies
11:00-11:15Coffee Break
11:15 -12:30Research Fellow Presentations See the full list at
12:30 - 01:30Lunch Break
01:30- 02:30Visit to the SOAS ArchivesJotika Khur-yearn, SOASLibrarian Southeast Asia, History, Religion & Philosophy
02:30– 03:45British Museum Philippine Sound Archives - Access and RepatriationMichele Banal, Lead Curator, World and Traditional Music at The British Library with FInlay Mackintosh, British Library Data Protection Officer and Rights Clearance Officer
03:45- 04:00Coffee break
04:00-05:15Royal Botanic Gardens Kew ArchivesIsabel Lauterjung, Assistant Archivist
05:15- 05:30Coffee break
05:30-06:30(Private session)
Omeka tech talk / Use of Primary sources and digital editions. Towards creating the digital project output.
Cristina Juan
06:30-07:00Dinner break
07:00- 08:30Working Dinner All fellows

Friday, 17 November

All the Friday sessions will be held at SG36, in the Senate House building on the SOAS Campus

Time ActivityNotes
9:00- 10:15Digital Approaches to Documenting Material Knowledge

The Endangered Material Knowledge Programme, British Museum
Paula Granados Garcia Digital Curator of EMKP, British Museum.
10:15- 10:30Walk over to the Wellcome Trust
10:30-11:30Visit to the Wellcome Trust
11:30-01:30Lunch on the Bus to Oxford
01:30- 04:00Visiting the stockrooms at the Pitt Rivers Museum
04:00 - 04:15Walking tour
05:00-05:45‘Introduction to Philippine Material Culture & Restitution and Repatriation in National Museums LiverpoolMeghan Backhouse, Lead Curator of Global Cultures
05:45-06:30Using digital language corpora and online text databases in historical lexicographyDanica Salazar, World English Editor for the Oxford English Dictionary
06:30- 08:00Pub dinner and back to London

Saturday, 18 November

All the Saturday sessions will be held at the Khalili Lecture Theatre (KLT) on the lower ground floor of the Main building on the SOAS Campus

Time ActivityNotes
09:00- 09:45Endangered Archives Programme at the British LibraryJody Butterworth - Lead Curator for the EAP
responsible for the EAP digital collections at the British Library, advising projects and ensuring the quality and discoverability of the collections.
09:45 - 11:00In Conversation - AI, a practical approachRamon Guillermo in conversation with Jovi Juan, Lead for Arkivox
11:00-12:00BFI: Access and Collaborative ProjectsJohn Cariño Archive Access Officer for the British Film Institute, working closely with the film conservation team at the BFI’s National Archive.
12:00 - 01:00Lunch Break
01:00- 02:15Data VisualizationMaría Fernanda Callejón, Data visualisation specialist
02:15- 02:30Coffee Break
02:30– 03:30Double Book LaunchStephanie Mawson and John D Blanco
03:30-04:00Book SIgning and Coffee Break
04:00-05:45Final Presentations
05:45-06:00Closing RemarksLotus Postrado, Country Director, British Council Philippines
06:00- 09:00Closing Dinner, Networking and Live Performance
